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Workers in Seychelles feted on second straight Labour Day tainted by cloud of COVID

Victoria, Seychelles | May 1, 2021, Saturday @ 08:00 in National » GENERAL | By: Betymie Bonnelame | Views: 15445
Workers in Seychelles feted on second straight Labour Day tainted by cloud of COVID

Essential workers especially those at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19 were saluted for their courage and devotion. (Rassin Vannier, Seychelles News Agency) 

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(Seychelles News Agency) - Workers in Seychelles joined the rest of the world in commemorating International Labour Day on Saturday, May 1, a celebration that for a second straight year comes in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In wishing everyone a Happy Labour Day, the President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan, saluted all workers for braving one of the most difficult journeys of their lives.

"As productive members of society, you have endured many challenges in this short time but you have kept the faith despite being faced with the greatest adversity and lived through one of the worst times that humanity has ever seen. You have come out strong and more determined to take on any of life's challenges that are thrown at you. You deserve our acclaim, workers of Seychelles. You should all be proud of yourselves," said Ramkalawan. 

The president recognised and gave full support to those working in the essential services.

"More than any one of us you have been at the forefront of all the dangers and uncertainties, risking your lives to make sure that our people and country remain safe and secure. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We pray that you will continue to have the courage and will power to carry on in your noble task for the sake of our beautiful Seychelles," he added. 

Ramkalawan noted that the pandemic is still here and causing serious devastation for some countries around the world. 

"Let us take this time to remember and pray for our fellow workers and their families going through real sufferings, some with very little hope on the horizon," he added. 

The President of the Seychelles Labour Union, Ralph Volcere, also saluted the courage and devotion of all essential and other workers who continue to work and are being exposed to the corona virus every day in their work place.

"We commend all of you especially those who despite your wages and incomes are not satisfactory, you still find the courage and hope to consistently show up to work. We commend those of you who despite the shortage of adequate resources in your work place you still manage to show up for work," he said.

Volcere added that the Seychelles Labour Union "stands firm as a springboard and an inexorable voice to all of you who have been made redundant and unfairly dismissed... Unity amongst the local labour force is called for on this most prestigious day to celebrate the 1st May."

On his side the leader of the Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS), Roger Mancienne, expressed sincere wishes to all workers in Seychelles for good health and strength to continue with their professions and occupations so as to assure their own livelihoods and the happiness of their families.

"With the difficulties that our country continues to face, it is the right time for us to appreciate all the more the value and dignity of the work that we do and the responsibility that we have to ensure our own well-being. We express our appreciation for all those working to maintain the economic and social systems of our country amidst the challenges," said Mancienne.

He said that the celebration of Workers' Day this year will need to be subdued because of the health regulations people are being called to observe.

"We bring our support to the Ministry of Health and all its personnel working for the safety of all our people. We hope that everyone will understand and co-operate with the instructions they give for our own safety," he added.

Patrick Herminie, the Leader of United Seychelles, the main opposition party, said that Labour Day "is one among the most important days on the calendar of a worker because this is the day where we pay homage, honour and commemorate efforts of all workers no matter their status or position."

He said that May 1st is celebrated globally where contributions of a worker in the development and flourishment of a country is recognised and talked about.

"It is a day where traditionally gathering for workers are organised to celebrate or make a demand for a cause. Unfortunately, this year this has not been possible because of the COVID-19 scourge which is causing devastation in the world. In Seychelles, our brothers and sisters have not been spared.

Herminie took the opportunity to salute efforts and sincerely thanked his colleague doctors, nurses and all those in the frontline and putting themselves at risk to ensure that the world becomes a better place to live.

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Tags: COVID-19 pandemic, Seychelles Labour Union, Linyon Demokratik Seselwa, United Seychelles

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