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FULL TEXT: Seychelles President James Michel's resignation address

Victoria, Seychelles | September 27, 2016, Tuesday @ 23:56 in National » POLITICS | Views: 8739
FULL TEXT: Seychelles President James Michel's resignation address

Photo of President James Michel delivering his resignation address. (Office of the President)

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(Seychelles News Agency) - The text below is the translation from Creole of President James Michel's resignation address delivered on national television on Tuesday. SNA is posting it for the benefit of its international audience and journalists, who would not have been able to follow the video


People of Seychelles,

Good evening.

First of all, I wish to thank all Seychellois for this long journey of progress we have undertaken TOGETHER.  We took Seychelles from a level and TOGETHER we have developed our country further. We are proud of what we have been able to achieve TOGETHER.

Thank you very much.

Many decisions were made this year. One of the decisions was the amendment to the Constitution to limit the terms of the President to two mandates.  And tonight I am announcing my decision to resign from the post of President of the Republic and take my retirement. The Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles says that when the President resigns, this is done by a letter addressed to the Speaker of the National Assembly.  The Speaker will receive my letter tomorrow.

My resignation from the post of President will take effect on 16th October 2016, and a new President will be sworn in the same day. Mr Danny Faure will succeed me and complete the remaining four years of my mandate, as authorised by Article 55 (1) of the Constitution.

Dear compatriots,

After 12 years as President, the time has come to hand over to a new leader. A new Parti Lepep generation that will guide Seychelles to a new frontier of its development. A new Parti Lepep generation that will remain in power. To face and overcome the challenges of this century, without abandoning our principles.

The time has come to say goodbye to you, particularly my faithful supporters. You are in my heart and prayers always. I carry fond memories of you.

I am leaving power, but I am not abandoning you. For me, power is not an aim in itself but a means to do good. To do good for our people. TOGETHER we did it, as much as the means and circumstances permitted us.

The interest of the nation comes first.

I am leaving the Office of the President with a sense of mission accomplished. During the 12 years that you gave me the honour and privilege to lead our nation, I have accomplished my responsibilities and duties. I continued the work of my predecessor, President Rene, but in my own style. I have restored the economy of our country. I have created more opportunities for all Seychellois, to ensure that our country continues to progress. I took action to ensure the wellbeing of the more vulnerable people in our society. I have promoted additional opportunities for the youth, to give them greater hope, mainly in entrepreneurship.  Our elderly parents are benefiting from a series of measures that guarantee them greater comfort and dignity in their retirement. I have listened, I have consulted. I have reinforced our democratic institutions. I have tackled the scourges and social ills besetting our society.  I have strengthened our image on the international scene. All of this -- and more -- was not done by me alone.  I did it by remaining connected with you, the Seychellois people. I did it with the help and collaboration of a devoted and committed team that believes in the future of Seychelles. All decisions we have taken are, above all, in the interest of Seychelles. Our achievements are there for all to see.

People of Seychelles,

My presidency is a chapter in the modern history of Seychelles.  I consider my presidency as work we started together. And we’ve done a lot. For the love of Seychelles. For the unity of our country. For our progress and prosperity. For our children.

A new leader -- one who is also competent and motivated, who also has the interest of Seychelles at heart --` will begin the next chapter of our modern history. I call upon you all to give Mr Faure the full support you provided me during the 12 years. I am forever thankful, dear Seychellois people, for all your support. Thank you for the trust you put in me.

As for me, I want to reassure you that I will always be available -- for as long as I have the health and strength -- to offer Seychelles my services in whatever function you desire, and in any capacity I can.

Finally, there is nothing more important, more honorable, more noble, than national unity. Let us reject all that causes division. Let us make national unity our priority. It is national unity that will guide us in our actions, and illuminate the future of our country.

Dear people of Seychelles,

Once again, I express my deep appreciation for your support.

May God continue to bless Seychelles.

Thank you and good night.

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